You’re Not the Only One Being Evaluated in Your Interview

When you’re interviewing for a job, you may feel that you’re undergoing a major inquisition. Questions are coming rapid fire, you’re being judged on every word and movement that you make or don’t make. It’s rough. But here’s the good news: you’re not the only one who is being evaluated.

Sure, this employer is going to decide whether they want you on their team; and that’s a big deal. However, you also have to decide if their team is ready for an amazing, workplace super star such as yourself. Today, on Careerbuilder’s The Work Buzz and, I shared a few tips on How to spot your Interviewer’s Red Flags. Check it out!


The WorKBuzz How to spot an interviewers red flags


You’re still here!?!  I’ve moved. Check out my new site at


It’s time to Ditch the “New Girl”

Are you shopping around for the right career like a pair of shoes? Trying on a bunch of new jobs only to find they don’t fit? Then you have to start allll over again at a new job.

Hop off that hamster wheel of perpetual job searching.

Video topics include:

  1. How to make being underemployed, work in your favor
  2. Creating the space to assess your values and create a career plan
  3. Practical tips for surviving your first 90 days
  4. Overcoming mental barriers and closing the skills gaps to lengthen your tenure

Click here to Get the Video Series Today!


Asha K on Showing Love

Asha K_Headshot3Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but the Love is still flowing. As promised, this month I’m sharing guest post and interviews with some of my favorite ladies, and we’re all about SHOWING LOVE.

Today’s interview is with Asha K, TV host, blogger and Founder of She’s a shining example of a Woman in Business, doing very big things. We met during a Twitter Chat about relationships and to honor our original meeting place, I’ve included a few links to help you Tweet out her responses that really resonate with you!

Read on to hear Asha’s take on how to “Show Love”.

Love Yourself to Attract Love

Guest Post: Iviana Bynum of

Many of us ask ourselves why we can’t be in a good relationship.  Well, one of the roots to having a good relationship is loving yourself.  How can you enjoy life otherwise?  When we don’t have self-love, it is usually difficult for us to show love to others and be in the relationships we truly need.give_yourself_a_hug-277x300

So how is it that we end up depriving ourselves of the love that we require?  It’s when we’re stuck feeling inferior, sorry for ourselves, shameful, or guilty because of past experiences. (more…)

Why Self Esteem is Overrated

Today, I’m curled up with a cup of Yogi Tea and my computer learning as much about Self Love as I can fit into one day.  I promised you a month of “Showing Love” in honor of Valentine’s Day, so I’m diving in. First topic: Self Esteem. It’s one of those things we all hold on to like a lifeboat. Telling ourselves and others that we gotta have it.  But, we have a tendency to go overboard. With everything. But specifically with this concept. Let’s look at the definition: i-love-myself (more…)

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